
From Bharatpedia, an open encyclopedia

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Bharatpedia+ is an opt-in paid subscription plan that lets everyone have an article published on Bharatpedia on any topic, bypassing the notability policies. This means that individuals or organizations can pay to have their articles published on the site under some conditions, regardless of whether their subject matter meets the traditional standards of notability.

It was introduced in April 2023, with an aim to raise funds for the platform and expand its offerings to its users. At the same time, the paid subscription plan will not compromise the core principles Bharatpedia stands for. The platform will continue to prioritize accuracy, neutrality, and verifiability, and will ensure that all articles meet these standards, regardless of whether they are paid for or not.


The paid subscription service is globally accessible, allowing individuals and organizations to submit their articles by providing genuine and verifiable information. It is important to note that we reserve the right, at our sole discretion and without prior notification, to remove any article, including in cases of violation of our Terms of Service, without offering a refund.

To acquire the paid subscription, you need to forward the necessary details via email to [email protected]. Upon verification of the submitted information, a payment link will be issued to you. Following successful payment, an automated account will prepare and publish the article, and you will be duly notified.


Having an article published on Bharatpedia through the paid subscription plan can provide several benefits for individuals and organizations. Firstly, it can increase their visibility and credibility as their article will be published on a well-established platform. This can help them reach a wider audience and establish themselves as a thought leader or expert in their field.

Secondly, having an article on Bharatpedia can enhance search engine optimization (SEO) efforts by leveraging the platform's strong reputation with search engines. This can lead to improved rankings and increased traffic, potentially resulting in a coveted knowledge panel. Bharatpedia is highly respected by search engines like Google for SEO purposes, offering the opportunity for higher search rankings and boosted traffic to websites and social media channels. It's important to keep in mind that the creation of a Google knowledge panel is not guaranteed and is subject to factors such as article demand and Google's internal processes.

Finally, by contributing to Bharatpedia through the paid subscription plan, individuals and organizations are also supporting the platform's mission to provide accurate and verifiable information to the public. This can help promote transparency and accountability, as well as contribute to the overall knowledge base on a variety of topics.

How to subscribe[edit]

To acquire the paid subscription plan, you need to email the necessary details to [email protected]. Upon verification of the information provided, you will receive a payment link. Once payment is made, an automated account will prepare and publish the article, and you will be notified.


  • How it will help Bharatmedia Foundation: The subscription model will create a new revenue stream that can be used to improve the quality of the platform. The funds raised will enable Bharatpedia to invest in new technologies that can enhance the user experience.
  • What is Bharatpedia's paid subscription plan, and what does it allow?: Bharatpedia's paid subscription plan is an opt-in service that lets anyone have an article published on the site on any topic, bypassing notability policies. This means that individuals or organizations can pay to have their articles published on the site under certain conditions, regardless of whether their subject matter meets traditional standards of notability.
  • What was the reason behind the introduction of the paid subscription plan?: The paid subscription plan was introduced in April 2023 to raise funds for the platform and expand its offerings to its users.
  • Does the paid subscription plan compromise the core principles of Bharatpedia?: No, the paid subscription plan does not compromise the core principles of Bharatpedia. The platform will continue to prioritize accuracy, neutrality, and verifiability, and will ensure that all articles meet these standards, whether they are paid for or not.
  • What are the conditions for submitting an article through the paid subscription plan?: To submit an article through the paid subscription plan, individuals or organizations must provide genuine and verifiable information about the topic they wish to publish. It's important to note that Bharatpedia reserves the right to remove any article, including in cases of violation of its Terms of Service, without offering a refund.
  • How can I acquire the paid subscription plan?: To acquire the paid subscription plan, you need to email the necessary details to [email protected]. Upon verification of the information provided, you will receive a payment link. Once payment is made, an automated account will prepare and publish the article, and you will be notified.
  • Is the paid subscription plan available to everyone globally?: Yes, the paid subscription plan is available to individuals and organizations worldwide.
  • Can I submit an article on any topic through the paid subscription plan?: Yes, the paid subscription plan allows individuals and organizations to submit an article on any topic they wish to publish.
  • How much does the paid subscription plan cost?: The cost of the paid subscription plan is not specified in the information provided. It is recommended that interested parties email [email protected] for more details on pricing.
  • Will my article be edited before publication?: Yes, all articles published on Bharatpedia, whether paid for or not, go through an editorial process to ensure accuracy, neutrality, and verifiability.


  • You agree to provide accurate and true information
  • The article will have a paid badge and disclaimer[note 1]
  • The article must follow the BP:NPOV policy
  • The article must not be a hoax


  1. Disclaimer sample: This article is a paid publication and Bharatpedia does not endorse to the contents of the article and/or views expressed herein. Bharatpedia shall not in any manner, be responsible and/or liable in any manner whatsoever for all that is stated in the article and/or also with regard to the views, opinions, announcements, declarations, affirmations etc., stated/featured in the same.