Bharatpedia:Requests for deletion

From Bharatpedia, an open encyclopedia

If you need a page deleted, add the Category:Delete tag to it, and present your reasons for wanting it removed on the article's discussion page. (See Bharatpedia:DPL deletion for a proposed implementation of this.)

This policy is intended to replace Bharatpedia:Votes for deletion.

SPECIAL REQUEST: The term "Requests for deletion" is used by Wiktionary for its deletion process; it was chosen to avoid any confusion with Bharatpedia's process. If you are going to give a new name to the procedure please choose something else. Eclecticology 01:00:10, 2005-08-02 (UTC) (Speaking as Bharatpedia Admin)

[[::Nomination for Deletion? (WP:NFD)? (not that I like the idea, but it's a better name, with no similar Bharatpedia acronyms I can think of) User:Nominator (t /c) 15:22, 3 August 2005 (UTC)

Articles for Deletion (WP:AFD), so as to parallel TFD, RFD, and CFD. ~~ User:Your Name (t/c) 19:44, 4 August 2005 (UTC)


  • Clarification: I don't necessarily agree with the above suggestion. I do think VFD is so broken it should just be taken out and shot. What to replace it with (there is a need for a deletion mechanism; I've done Special:Newpages patrol, and you don't know horror till you've done newpages patrol on a Sunday evening US time, when it runs 30-50% shoot on sight) is another question, one to be debated - Dhaneesh Ram 21:13, 1 August 2005 (UTC)